It has become apparent that the current training schedule is not suitable for the majority of members during the colder months of winter.
Subsequently, we are making the following changes to our training schedule effective immediately.
Tuesday’s sessions will become a 1 hour “ splash and dash ‘ training session 5:30 to 6:30pm.
The boat will leave Sandy Point boat ramp at 5:20 to pick up Lambeth park paddlers at 5:25 Giving us a 1 hour training session with the boat to be back at Sandy Point at 6:30 for the Odyssey House session to take over
Thursday’s sessions will temporarily be postponed until after Winter
Or If Tuesday changes prove to be successful, we may introduce the same sort of session on a Thursday night.
Saturday training sessions will remain the same.
Team app will be updated accordingly and continue to be used to gauge numbers.
We are also aiming to use the winter months to develop interested members into the role of sweeping. If you would like to have a go please let me know so we can schedule a session for you.